Happy Thursday morning, Lovelies!
I'm sure today's prompt for Day 17 of the Daily Love Lettering challenge seems like a no-brainer, but it's so easy to forget that what we feed and tend to, flourishes.
The grass is greener where you water it.
When you take care of your garden and give it the attention it needs, it grows by leaps and bounds. If you want a beautiful garden and flower bed, you'll pay close attention to how it's coming up. The same applies to your marriage. As you invest your love into your marriage and give it the attention it needs (truly, what it deserves), it also flourishes! If you want a healthy, long lasting marriage, you'll pay extra attention over it and give it meticulous care to make sure you're growing closer together and that you two are progressing in life. Gardening is hard work, but it's so enjoyable and even more rewarding! Enjoy and trust the gardening process :0)
I pray you're uber encouraged by these words of mine I have to share. I want nothing more than for you to feel the life in them. Work with your husband and have fun tending your marriage garden together!
Sending you each loads of Love and Light,